2012: The End of the World?

hmm lets see...

im sure you've heard about the"End of the world" thing...

the first theory or no.. it is better known as a "prediction"

the first prediction that the End of the world will be on 20th Century which is already passed, it is now 2009 and a new "Prediction" was told.

they say that the Malayan Calendars predicts that our world will
End at December 21 or 23 of 2012 (Wiki)

many people believe in this prediction, and many people also DOES NOT believe in this prediction, it is widely known all over the world

it is definitely NOT true (well for me) and no one can predict the end of the world,

people are just being an ASS and just want to be popular or something so the people will caught their attention.

also i heard there's an upcoming "2012" movie from Sony

here's the trailer : its on Japanese btw (Japanese Trailer)

it would be a nice awesome super duper dumb ass Movie! i know the CGI is awesome but their beliefs are wrong -___-

wake up people! no human can predict the end of the world! except if God choose a human who can warn us about the upcoming Judgement day!

if you're one of them (dumb ass) you can find more information about the 2012 crap @ this link ---> http://www.december212012.com/articles/news/index.shtml

goodluck to all of those dumbass! ^___^

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